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Sunday, April 8, 2012

is sum it all up

I am not even sure how I can summarize the four gospels.   First of all, if you don’t believe in a god, then it is difficult to believe in the son of a god, and the gospels did not convince me that there was any reason to change my mind in that regard.

The story isn’t bad if I can ignore the fact that it is told four times and all slightly differently.  Combining all four gospels to make one story would be the best way to go.   I am sure it has been done before in written form and it has certainly been done that way for movies and TV.

I have no doubt that Jesus was an inspired man who had a deep faith in his god and wanted to spread a message of love and forgiveness.  He also talked about a Kingdom and resurrected bodies after death.  For some reason, he became a threat and was crucified.  

I certainly don’t have a problem with most of the teachings that Jesus passes on.   Love your enemy as well as your neighbour, turn the other cheek, judge not lest ye be judged, casting the first stone,  the prodigal son, the good Samaritan, etc. are all worth following.   
All of us have our own beliefs.  As someone who doesn’t believe in god or an afterlife, then Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom and the resurrection and the way to reach god don’t mean a lot to me.  In the latter instance, if I did believe in a god, then I would assume that there would be many methods to reach that god.  I can’t imagine an all-powerful, all-knowing, god limiting our ways to approach him.  The Jews, Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists can all reach their own “kingdom” with whatever all-encompassing being they believe in without the need of a man who lived 2000 years ago.

And I actually find the death of Jesus as some kind of redeeming feature almost creepy.  He died for us.  He died to set us free.  He died to take away our sins.  Did Jesus have to be crucified for all of that to happen?  Could Jesus have lived to a ripe old age and still have meaning for us.   I really don’t get this need for a sacrificial lamb.

All of us, whether we believe in a god or not, can reach some kind of inner peace with ourselves by leading decent lives, by trying to make a difference, and by being content with what we have.  Personally, I don’t see the need for an afterlife. I would like to think that all of us can have a meaningful effect on others.  Hopefully, people will want to emulate our good qualities but perhaps someone will be motivated to improve by observing our flaws.  It doesn’t matter. 

I am not sure why we feel the need for an afterlife.  There is birth and there is death.  We have a shot at doing something and then someone else has their turn.  I have no problem accepting that.  

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